Source or Publisher: Publishers & Broadcasters

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The State of the Union: Notes on an Obama Administration

By Howard Zinn. Book - Speech. Back Bay Books. 2009.
Based on a talk delivered in the weeks following the historic election of Barack Obama, The State of the Union is a sobering look at whether the new president could turn the euphoria of a nation toward enacting the change his supporters had hoped for.
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The Bomb

By Howard Zinn. Book - Non-fiction. Beacon Press. 2010. Foreword by Greg Ruggerio.
Zinn's personal reflections and political analysis on the WWII bombing of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Royan, and more.
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Howard Zinn on Race

By Howard Zinn. Seven Stories. 2011. Introduction by Cornel West.
A collection of Howard Zinn’s choice of the shorter writings and speeches that best reflect his views on America’s most taboo topic. In clear, compassionate, and present prose, Zinn gives us his thoughts on the Abolitionists, the march from Selma to Montgomery, John F. Kennedy, picketing, sit-ins, and, finally, the message he wanted to send to New York University students about race in a speech he delivered during the last week of his life.
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The Indispensable Zinn: The Essential Writings of the “People’s Historian”

By Howard Zinn. Book - Non-fiction. The New Press. 2011. Foreword by Noam Chomsky, Afterword by Alice Walker with chapter introductions by Timothy Patrick McCarthy.
Designed to highlight Zinn’s most important writings, The Indispensable Zinn includes excerpts from Zinn’s bestselling A People’s History of the United States; his memoir, You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train; his inspiring writings on the civil rights movement; and the full text of his celebrated play Marx in Soho.
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‘Je Ne Suis Pas Un Marxiste’

By Howard Zinn. Article. ZCommunications, June 1988; Failure to Quit, and excerpted from The Zinn Reader.
Howard Zinn writes: For a long time I thought that there were important and useful ideas in Marxist philosophy and political economy that should be protected from the self-righteous cries on the right that "Marxism is dead,” as well as from the arrogant assumptions of the commissars of various dictatorships that their monstrous regimes represented “Marxism.”
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Howard Zinn Speaks: Collected Speeches 1963-2009

By Howard Zinn. Book - Non-fiction. Haymarket Books. 2012.
Howard Zinn has illuminated our history like no other U.S. historian. This collection of his speeches on protest movements, racism, war, and topics vital to our democracy will be an invaluable resource for the new generation of students who continue to discover his work, as well as the millions of people who Howard moved and informed in his lifetime.
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