Source or Publisher: Publishers & Broadcasters

Society’s Best Students

Letter to the Editor by Howard Zinn and Chandler Davis. The Nation. September 7, 1970.
A letter about the Marian Davis Scholarship fund that helps socially concerned students.
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The Force of Nonviolence

Article by Howard Zinn. The Nation. March 17, 1962.
"Four instances of violence come to my mind. One I read about in the newspapers; another I witnessed; in a third I was on the receiving end; in the fourth, the most brutal of them all, I was a perpetrator."
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The New World: Fragments of the Old

Book review by Howard Zinn. The Nation. May 24, 1965.
Howard Zinn reviews The Founding of New Societies by Louis Hartz with contributions by Kenneth D. McRae, Richard M. Morse, Richard N. Rosecrance, and Leonald M. Thompson.
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Four Witness to a Mississippi Summer

Article by Howard Zinn. The Nation. December 28, 1964.
An introduction by Howard Zinn to a four-person account of a summer spent in Mississippi including William M. Kunstler (The Lawyer), Beverly Allen Asbury (The Minister), Richard J. Bernstein (The Educator), and Aaron O. Wells (The Doctor).
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Incident in Hattiesburg

Article by Howard Zinn. The Nation. May 18, 1964.
Howard Zinn recounts the beating of Oscar Chase, and advocates that "Something needs to be done; at last, about police and jail-house brutality in this country."
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Is This Really a ‘Just War’?

Letter to the Editor by Howard Zinn regarding Richard Falk’s “Ends and Means: Defining a Just War” [Oct. 29]. The Nation. November 26, 2001.
"Four instances of violence come to my mind. One I read about in the newspapers; another I witnessed; in a third I was on the receiving end; in the fourth, the most brutal of them all, I was a perpetrator."
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