Source or Publisher: Publishers & Broadcasters

One Iraqi’s Story

Article by Howard Zinn. The Progressive. February 1999.
"It seems to me this conveys with terrible clarity that Saddam Hussein and the leaders of our government have much in common: They are both visiting death and suffering on the people of Iraq."
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Big Goverment for Whom?

Article by Howard Zinn. The Progressive. April 1999.
"I have seen some of my most stalwart friends flinch before the accusation that they—in asking, let us say, for a single-payer health care system—were calling for 'big government.' So insistent has been the press and the political leadership of the country—in both parties—that 'big government' is a plague to be avoided, that otherwise courageous people on the left have retreated before the attached. It’s an issue, therefore, that deserves some examination."
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The Massacres of History

Article by Howard Zinn. The Progressive. August 1998.
“I want to discuss other massacres because it seemed to me that concentrating attention on the Boston Massacre would be a painless exercise in patriotic fervor.”
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With War in Iraq, Echoes of Vietnam Can Still Be Heard

Article by Howard Zinn. The Progressive. July 2003.
"Today, the question remains whether the American people will at some point see behind the deceptions, and join in a great citizens' movement to stop what seems a relentless drive to war and empire at the expense of human rights here and abroad."
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A Chorus Against the War

Article by Howard Zinn. The Progressive. March 2003.
"Men who have no respect for human life or for freedom or justice have taken over this beautiful country of ours. It will be up to the American people to take it back."
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A Surgeon’s Touch

Article by Howard Zinn. The Progressive. September 2005.
"As I write this, the frightening violence in Iraq continues, England and the United States are in a state of fear about suicide bombs, and the Senate is about to confirm a new, conservative Supreme Court justice. So it may seem peculiar to bring up a subject that is either at the far edge of all our attention, or over the edge and invisible. But here I go."
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