Format: Magazine or Newspaper

Vietnam: Setting the Moral Equation

Article by Howard Zinn. The Nation. January 17, 1966.
"When those of us who would make an end to the war speak passionately of 'the moral Issue' in Vietnam, only our friends seem to understand. The government continues to bomb fishing villages, shoot women, disfigure children by [fire] or explosion, while its policy bring no outcry of opposition from Hubert Humphrey, Oscar Handin, Max Lerner or millions of others And we wonder why."
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Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawl

Article by Howard Zinn. The Nation. February 6, 1967.
"We are dealing here with an odd logic that it was wrong tor the United States to get lnvolved in the first place, because Vietnam is srmply not “vltal” for American security, but that we must not withdraw from a move that was both wrong and costly because now our 'prestige' is involved."
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Veterans Day

By Howard Zinn. Article. ZCommunications. November 13, 2002.
It would be good to remember a few things about that war as this country is about to embark on still another war. First, that you don’t "win" wars. We "won" World War I, but sowed the seeds of another world war. War is a quick fix, like crack. An exultant high — we won! — and soon you’re down again, and you need another fix, another war.
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By Howard Zinn. ZCommunications. July 24, 2003.
The “victory” over an already devastated and disarmed Iraq led Bush, Rumsfeld and their teammates into a locker-room frenzy of exultation and self-congratulation. I half-expected to see Bush joyfully pouring beer on Rumsfeld’s head and Ashcroft snapping a towel at Ari Fleischer’s derriere. But it turns out that they thought the Iraq game was over, when it was only the fifth inning.
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Secrecy, Archives, and the Public Interest

By Howard Zinn. Midwest Archives Conference/Archival Issues. July 1977.
This paper was presented at "The Archivist and the New Left" panel of the Society of American Archivists' (SAA) annual conference held in Washington, D.C. in which he urged archivists “to take the trouble to compile a whole new world of documentary material, about the lives, desires, needs, of ordinary people.”
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‘Je Ne Suis Pas Un Marxiste’

By Howard Zinn. Article. ZCommunications, June 1988; Failure to Quit, and excerpted from The Zinn Reader.
Howard Zinn writes: For a long time I thought that there were important and useful ideas in Marxist philosophy and political economy that should be protected from the self-righteous cries on the right that "Marxism is dead,” as well as from the arrogant assumptions of the commissars of various dictatorships that their monstrous regimes represented “Marxism.”
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SNCC Worker Briefing, Fall 1963 |

SNCC: The Battle-Scarred Youngsters

By Howard Zinn. Article. The Nation, October 5, 1963 and republished April 23, 2009.
Howard Zinn wrote about SNCC’s participation at the 1963 March on Washington. “. . . the youngest speaker on the platform, John Lewis...lashed out in anger, not only at the Dixiecrats, but at the Kennedy Administration, which had been successful up to that moment in directing the indignation of 200,000 people at everyone but itself.”
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Howard Zinn On Civil Disobedience

Howard Zinn interviewed by Cihan Aksan. State of Nature. Published January 2007 and republished Jan. 27, 2018.
To commemorate the eighth anniversary of the death of historian and activist Howard Zinn, we republish the interview we conducted with him in January 2007.
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Failure to Quit |

Failure to Quit

By Howard Zinn. Z Magazine, 1990; excerpt from Failure to Quit.
This essay, written for Z Magazine in 1990, and reprinted in my book Failure to Quit, was inspired (if you are willing to call this an inspired piece) by my students of the Eighties. I was teaching a spring and fall lec­ture course with four hundred students in each course (and yet with lots of discussion). I looked hard, listened closely, but did not find the apathy, the conservatism, the disregard for the plight of others, that everybody (right and left) was reporting about "the me generation."
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Obedience, Activism, and Social Change

Howard Zinn interviewed by David Barsamian. Excerpt. The Progressive, July 1997. The Historic Unfulfilled Promise.
As we approach a new calendar year, we revisit Howard Zinn's warmth, humor, and optimism in this interview with David Barsamian from July 1997. Zinn discusses being considered non-scholarly in the academic world ("...if you write stuff that an ordinary person can read, you’re suspect"). Originally published in The Progressive, the following is excerpted from The Historic Unfulfilled Promise.
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