Format: Magazine or Newspaper

The Ultimate Betrayal to Our Soldiers Would Be to Forget

Article by Howard Zinn. The Progressive. April 2004.
"I cannot get out of my mind the photo that appeared on the front page of The New York Times on December 30, alongside a story by Jeffrey Gettleman. It showed a young man sitting on a chair facing a class of sixth graders in Blairsville, Pennsylvania. Next to him was a woman. Not the teacher of the class, but the young fellow's mother. She was there to help him because he is blind."
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Of Paradise and Power

By Howard Zinn. Article. ZCommunications. February 9, 2004.
I suppose it is part of the corruption of contemporary language that an analysis of American foreign policy by a senior associate of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace should argue for the right of the United States to use military force, regardless of international law, and international opinion, whenever it unilaterally decides its “national interest” requires it. Robert Kagan’s book Of Paradise and Power is important, not because it’s logic is unassailable, or his values admirable, but because it serves as intellectual justification for the foreign policy of the United States...
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American Amnesia Interviews Howard Zinn

Howard Zinn interviewed by American Amnesia. February 8, 2004.
aA:Do you see historical amnesia – that is, forgetting both recent and distant history – as an ailment of the younger generation, or as a continuation of the “way we’ve always been”?
hZ: It's not an ailment of the younger generation but of that part of the older generation that controls the media and the educational system. I find that young people are hungry for information, but their sources are too often the major television channels, which are controlled by a tiny group of wealthy corporations, with ties and interests close to the government.
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book cover

The Logic of Withdrawal

Article by Howard Zinn. The Progressive. January 2004.
"In the spring of 1967, my book Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal was published by Beacon Press. It was the first book on the war to call for immediate withdrawal, no conditions. Many liberals were saying: 'Yes, we should leave Vietnam, but President Johnson can't just do it; it would be very hard to explain to the American people.' My response, in the last chapter of my book, was to write a speech for Lyndon Johnson, explaining to the American people why he was ordering the immediate evacuation of American armed forces from Vietnam. No, Johnson did not make that speech, and the war went on. But I am undaunted, and willing to make my second attempt at speech writing."
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Another McCarthy Era

Howard Zinn interviewed by Steven Rosenfeld. Dec. 2, 2003.
TP.c: Everybody knows civil liberties take a beating in wartime. But historically, what is the most effective way to balance or challenge the excessive use"or abuse"of state power when those in government use the language of war?
Zinn: The recourse of citizens when civil liberties are attacked is first to expose those attacks as violations of basic freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights; and second to speak and write even more boldly than ever in order to encourage other people to do the same, so that the number of people speaking their minds becomes too great for the government to handle.
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Duty of Expression

Howard Zinn interviewed by Sarah Burton. Resonance Magazine. November 2003.
Howard Zinn and Thom Yorke have never done lunch, waved to each other along a red carpet, or even met face to face. So we arranged the next best thing: a debate between these luminaries moderated via phone and email.… Each had plenty to say about art and politics, but not without also covering everything from Marx and Picasso to Donna Summer and Public Enemy.
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An Occupied Country

Article by Howard Zinn. The Progressive. October 2003.
"We became familiar with the term 'occupied country' during World War II. We talked of German-occupied France, German-occupied Europe. And after the war we spoke of Soviet-occupied Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Eastern Europe. It was the Nazis, the Soviets, who occupied other countries. Now we are the occupiers."
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Humpty Dumpty Will Fall

Article by Howard Zinn. The Progressive. August 2003.
" turns out that the war did not bring order to Iraq, but chaos, not crowds of cheering Iraqis, but widespread hostility. 'No to Saddam! No to Bush!' were the signs, as Iraqis contemplated their ruined historic treasures, their destroyed homes, and the graves of their dead — thousands and thousands of civilians and soldiers, with many more men, women, children wounded. And it goes on as I write this in mid-June — an ugly occupation. I see a headline: 'U.S. Troops Kill 70 in Iraqi Crackdown.'"
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War is the Health of the State

Howard Zinn interviewed by Paul Glavin and Chuck Morse. Perspectives on Anarchist Theory. Spring 2003.
Howard Zinn has been a pivotal figure in the American Left for decades. As an activist and writer, he has influenced generations of leftists and helped encourage a strong commitment to direct democracy, anti-racism, and grassroots action. We asked Zinn about the current changes in the political environment, his theoretical commitments, and some of the challenges faced by radical intellectuals.
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A Few Words with Howard Zinn

Howard Zinn interviewed by Michael Pozo. St. John's University Humanities Review. March 2003.
MP: How is your approach to History conducive for positive social change?
HZ: I hope it gives people the History of previous social movements to show how they can bring about change, to show that it is possible, to give people faith that if they participate, if they do even small actions, that might have an effect, if not today, tomorrow or next year.
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