Format: Magazine or Newspaper

The Optimism of Uncertainty

By Howard Zinn. Article. ZCommunications. September 30, 2004. The Nation. September 20, 2004.
In this awful world where the efforts of caring people often pale in comparison to what is done by those who have power, how do I manage to stay involved and seemingly happy? I am totally confident not that the world will get better, but that we should not give up the game before all the cards have been played. The metaphor is deliberate; life is a gamble.
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Kerry Needs the Courage to Walk Away from Iraq

By Howard Zinn. Article. Miami Herald, Sept. 16, 2004 and the Guardian, Sept. 17, 2004.
If John Kerry wants to win, he must recognize that our military intervention in Iraq is a disaster — for Americans, for Iraqis, for the world. He must stop boasting about his courage in Vietnam and instead start talking about his moral courage in opposing that war.
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Dissent at the War Memorial

Article by Howard Zinn. The Progressive. August 2004.
"As I write this, the sounds of the World War II Memorial celebration in Washington, D.C., are still in my head. I was invited by the Smithsonian Institution to be on one of the panels, and the person who called to invite me said that the theme would be 'War Stories.' I told him that I would come, but not to tell 'war stories,' rather to talk about World War II and its meaning for us today."
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Rise Like Lions: The Role Of Artists In a Time Of War

Howard Zinn interviewed by David Barsamian. The Sun. July 2004.
Barsamian: You have called attention to the role of artists in a time of war. What attracts you to artists?
Zinn: Artists play a special role in social change. I first noticed this when I was a teenager and becoming politically aware for the first time. It was people in the arts who had the greatest emotional effect on me.
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Iraqi Invasion - tank |

What Do We Do Now?

Article by Howard Zinn. The Progressive. June 2004.
"It seems very hard for some people—especially those in high places, but also those striving for high places—to grasp a simple truth: The United States does not belong in Iraq. It is not our country. Our presence is causing death, suffering, destruction, and so large sections of the population are rising against us. Our military is then reacting with indiscriminate force, bombing and shooting and rounding up people simply on 'suspicion.' …any discussion of "What do we do now?" must start with the understanding that the present U.S. military occupation is morally unacceptable."
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Dying for the Government

Article by Howard Zinn. The Progressive. June 2004.
"Our government has declared a military victory in Iraq. As a patriot, I will not celebrate. I will mourn the dead — the American GIs, and also the Iraqi dead, of whom there have been many, many more. I will mourn the Iraqi children, not just those who are dead, but those who have been blinded, crippled, disfigured, or traumatized. We have not been given in the American media (we would need to read the foreign press) a full picture of the human suffering caused by our bombing. As a patriot, contemplating the dead GIs, I could comfort myself (as, understandably, their families do) with the thought: 'They died for their country.' But I would be lying to myself."
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‘Marx Is Not Dead’

Howard Zinn interviewed by M.H. Lagarde. La Habana. May 8, 2004.
"I'll remind people what Marx's criticism of capitalism was. I would demonstrate that these ideas have much to with the United States today. In other words, that Marxist criticism today is exact and current."
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‘The Human Reality of War Changed My Life’

Howard Zinn interviewed by Pedro de la Hoz. La Habana. May 7, 2004.
"Those who call themselves objective lie because they pick events and cover up their taking of sides. I do not hide to say: this is my point of view, it is not the only one, face it and make your own conclusions."
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Opposing the War Party

Article by Howard Zinn. The Progressive. May 2004.
"The Progressive has been a thorn in the side of the establishment for almost a hundred years. Its life span covers two world wars and six smaller wars. It saw the fake prosperity of the Twenties and the tumult of the Thirties. Its voice remained alive through the Cold War and the hysteria over communism. Through all that, down to the present day, and the wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, this intrepid magazine has been part of the long struggle for peace, for a boundary-less world. It may be useful to recall some of the heroes — some famous, some obscure — of that historic resistance to war."
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Check the Facts Before Rushing to War

By Howard Zinn. Article. Newsday. April 13, 2004.
After a year of fighting in Iraq and an occupation fraught with violence, surely it is not rash to suggest, given the debacle over missing "weapons of mass destruction," that it is a good general rule to treat any official rationale for war with skepticism.
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