Source or Publisher: Beacon Press

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Blaming Outside Agitators

By Howard Zinn. Excerpt from chapter three of Howard Zinn’s autobiography You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train
"When students begin to defy established authority it often appears to besieged administrators that “someone must be behind this,” the implication being that young people are incapable of thinking or acting on their own."
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The Politics of History

By Howard Zinn. Book - Essays. Beacon Press, 1971; University of Illinois Press, 1990.
A series of case studies and thought-provoking essays arguing for a radical approach to history.
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By Howard Zinn. Book - Play. South End Press, 2002; Haymarket Books, 2013.
Howard Zinn dramatizes the life of Emma Goldman, the anarchist, feminist, and free-spirited thinker who was exiled from the U.S. in 1919.
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You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train: A Personal History of Our Times

By Howard Zinn. Book - Autobiography. Beacon Press. 1994; 2002; updated in 2018 with a foreword by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor.
In his memoir, You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train, Zinn reflects on more than thirty years of fighting for social change, from his teenage years as a laborer in Brooklyn to teaching at Spelman College, where he emerged in the civil rights movement as a powerful voice for justice.
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