On May 12, 2006, American historian and activist Howard Zinn and Italian surgeon and author Dr. Gino Strada presented a forum on the theme “The Just War.” Dr. Strada is the author of Green Parrots: A War Surgeon’s Diary, published by Charta. It is a diary of his experiences working in places such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, Somolia, and Sudan. During the event he talked about the civilian war victims he has encountered and argued for the need to abolish war as a means for settling disputes. Following that, Professor Zinn discussed the Bush administration’s invasion and occupation of Iraq, the possibility of an attack on Iran, and the American public’s appetite for war today. Mr. Zinn is the author of Just War, published by Charta. After their presentation, the panelists answered questions from members of the audience. The event, held at the Immanuel Presbyterian Church, was sponsored Emergency, USA, a humanitarian group co-founded by Dr. Strada. [Publisher’s description]

Source: BookTV.


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