Source or Publisher: PBS

screenshot of studio interview

History Detectives: Howard Zinn on the Lawrence Textile Strike

Howard Zinn interviewed by Elyse Luray. PBS History Detectives. 2006.
Elyse Luray: So why was there this renewed interest in the strike?
Howard Zinn: I think that the movements of the 1960s, of Black people in the South, of women, of people all over the country working against the war in Vietnam, of disabled people, there arose out of those movements, a greater interest in history that had been neglected in the orthodox teachings of the past. I think as part of that new interest in people's history, we began to get more interest in labor history, and therefore in the history of the Lawrence Strike.
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Zinn and Moyers interview screenshot

Howard Zinn: Interview by Bill Moyers

Howard Zinn interviewed Bill Moyers . Bill Moyers Journal. December 11, 2009.
“I have confidence in the future. You know why? You have to be patient. Farmworkers were at one point in as helpless a position as the labor movement is today. But as Cesar Chavez said, we learned that you have to organize. And it takes time, it takes patience, it takes persistence.”
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Zinn and Moyers interview screenshot

Zinn on Iraq and Other Pressing Matters

Howard Zinn interviewed by Bill Moyers. PBS' NOW With Bill Moyers. January 10, 2003
"Oh, sure. We were attacked, but then the question is, who attacked us? If we could locate the people who attacked us and get them, grab them, find them. Okay, that's self-defense. But if we are attacked and we don't know who attacked us, and we just select a country from which we think the attackers may have sprung, and then just bomb that country, that is not defense. That is indiscriminate violence."
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