New Release: Howard Zinn Speaks: Collected Speeches, 1963 – 2009

Layout 1A collection of Howard Zinn’s speeches, edited by Anthony Arnove, was released by Haymarket Books.

“Reading Howard’s spoken words I feel that I am almost hearing his voice again. Even in writing its unique appeal comes through — his stunning pitch-perfect ability to capture the moment and the concerns and needs of the audience whoever they may be, always enlightening, often stirring, an amalgam of insight, critical history, wit, blended with charm and appeal. I’ve heard Howard speak to tens of thousands at demonstrations, to small groups of homeless people, to activists enduring brutal treatment, and at many other times and places. Always just the right tone and message, always inspiring, a gift to all of us to be treasured.” —Noam Chomsky

For more information see Howard Zinn Speaks: Collected Speeches, 1963 – 2009.


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