The People Speak
Monday, July 25, 7:30 PM
with a special introduction by Dave Zirin
SOS Film Festival – ALL FILMS @ 7:30 PM
The People Speak is inspired by Howard Zinn’s groundbreaking books A People’s History of the United States and Voices of a People’s History of the United States. Using dramatic and musical performances of the letters, diaries and speeches of everyday Americans, the documentary feature film The People Speak gives voice to those who spoke up for social change throughout U.S. history, forging a nation from the bottom up with their insistence on equality and justice.
Hosted by Save Our Schools National March & Call to Action.
As teachers, parents, and concerned community members, we urgently need better schools. We also know that the improvement we seek will never be realized without our input. For our children’s sake, we are organizing to reclaim our right to determine how our children will be educated. For our future’s sake, we are organizing to revitalize an education system that, for too many children, focuses more on test preparation than actual education. We demand a humane, empowering education for every child in America.